At Llaeth y Llan, the quality and integrity of our products are our top priorities. We want to reassure our customers that our products are not affected by concerns surrounding the use of Bovaer in dairy farming.

We can confirm that Llaeth y Llan does not source any milk from Arla farms involved in the Bovaer trial. Furthermore, thorough investigations have verified that no milk from these trials has been supplied to our production processes through milk swaps or any other means.

Our commitment remains to delivering high-quality, natural dairy products you can trust. We thank you for your continued support and loyalty.

Yn Llaeth y Llan, ansawdd ein cynnyrch yw ein prif flaenoriaeth. Rydym am sicrhau ein cwsmeriaid nad yw ein cynnyrch yn cael ei effeithio gan bryderon ynghylch â’r defnydd o Bovaer mewn ffermio llaeth.

Gallwn gadarnhau nad yw Llaeth y Llan yn derbyn unrhyw laeth o ffermydd Arla sy’n rhan o arbrawf Bovaer. Mae ymchwiliadau trylwyr wedi cadarnhau nad oes unrhyw laeth o’r treialon hyn wedi’i gyflenwi i’n prosesau cynhyrchu trwy gyfnewid llaeth neu unrhyw fodd arall.

Ein hymrwymiad o hyd yw darparu cynnyrch llaeth naturiol o ansawdd uchel y gallwch ymddiried ynddo. Diolchwn i chi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus.


Our Sustainability Pledge

At Village Dairy, we are dedicated to creating delicious yogurt while minimizing our impact on the environment.
We believe that sustainability is not just a trend, but a crucial part of doing business responsibly. Here’s a look at some of the ways we are working to make our yogurt more sustainable.

We’re ditching the lids

Plastic Reduction Initiative

We understand that plastic waste is a significant environmental issue, and we’re committed to doing our part to reduce our plastic usage.

That’s why we’re proud to announce we’ve removed plastic lids from all of our big pots. We believe that small changes can make a big difference, and we’re committed to finding new and innovative ways to reduce our plastic usage. From now on we recommend storing in a reusable pot or why not try our suggestions below to store safely in the fridge for longer. If you want to ditch plastic completely, cover the pot with a Natural Beeswax food wrap.

You can also email us at to request an extra lid, whilst stocks last.

sustainable big pot packaging

Easy recyclability

We are always looking for ways to make it easier for our customers to recycle our pots.

Which is why we are proud to introduce our newest packaging for our big pot yogurts. The cardboard sleeve is sourced from responsibly sustained forests and the new tear away tab enables you to easily remove the cardboard sleeve from the plastic pot so you can recycle both parts responsibly, helping to protect the planet and it’s future.

Power that doesn’t cost the earth


As part of our ongoing sustainability commitment , Llaeth y Llan have installed a 180kW Solar Panel System to reduce our energy consumption.

This, in turn will help us reduce our impact on the environment and ensure that we invest in a greener future.

Did you know?

There are other great ways you can Keep your yogurt fresh...

Local produce

Sustainable sourcing

We are committed to sourcing local ingredient for our delicious yogurt.

That’s why we are dedicated to sourcing our ingredients from sustainable and environmentally responsible suppliers. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that our ingredients are produced in a way that minimizes their impact on the environment.


Food Banks

Giving back to the community

At Village Dairy, we believe in supporting our local community where we operate.

That’s why we’re proud to support local food banks by giving away yogurts we make. We understand that access to healthy, nutritious food is a basic need for everyone, and we’re committed to doing our part to help those in need.

Our partnership with local food banks allows us to make a positive impact on the communities where we operate, and we’re proud to be a part of this important cause. We believe that by working together, we can help make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Progress Reports

Sustainable news

We understand that sustainability is an ongoing journey, and we’re committed to regularly updating our customers on our progress.

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