Celebrating 40 years of crafting delicious, natural yogurts at Llaeth y Llan! Thank you for being part of our journey!

Welcome to Village Dairy
Tasting great for over 40 years
Welcome to Village Dairy, the home of Llaeth Y Llan , where Gareth Roberts and his family have produced superb tasting yogurt from Tal Y Bryn farmhouse since the 1980s. The recipe has been perfected over the years and we’re all proud of it here at LYL!
Latest Competition
Celebrating Our St. David’s Day Raffle Giveaway Winner: Bethan Hughes
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Bethan Hughes who has won our St. David’s Day Raffle Giveaway, celebrating Llaeth y Llan’s 40th anniversary.
Did you know?
If you stack the 2 million plastic lids we will save each year on top of each other it would reach a height of 20km. Watch our video below and then enter our competition for a chance to win an adventure of a lifetime with Zip World!
Discover more...
Take a trip to our Dairy
Come visit our dairy in the beautiful Welsh countryside where you can see how our yogurt is made!
Alternatively, take a virtual trip below and watch our video below.
Latest Recipes
Here is a selection of delicious recipes you can make with our yogurt…
Latest News
We are always busy here at Village Dairy, here are all our latest activities the team have been involved in.