At Llaeth y Llan, the quality and integrity of our products are our top priorities. We want to reassure our customers that our products are not affected by concerns surrounding the use of Bovaer in dairy farming.

We can confirm that Llaeth y Llan does not source any milk from Arla farms involved in the Bovaer trial. Furthermore, thorough investigations have verified that no milk from these trials has been supplied to our production processes through milk swaps or any other means.

Our commitment remains to delivering high-quality, natural dairy products you can trust. We thank you for your continued support and loyalty.

Yn Llaeth y Llan, ansawdd ein cynnyrch yw ein prif flaenoriaeth. Rydym am sicrhau ein cwsmeriaid nad yw ein cynnyrch yn cael ei effeithio gan bryderon ynghylch â’r defnydd o Bovaer mewn ffermio llaeth.

Gallwn gadarnhau nad yw Llaeth y Llan yn derbyn unrhyw laeth o ffermydd Arla sy’n rhan o arbrawf Bovaer. Mae ymchwiliadau trylwyr wedi cadarnhau nad oes unrhyw laeth o’r treialon hyn wedi’i gyflenwi i’n prosesau cynhyrchu trwy gyfnewid llaeth neu unrhyw fodd arall.

Ein hymrwymiad o hyd yw darparu cynnyrch llaeth naturiol o ansawdd uchel y gallwch ymddiried ynddo. Diolchwn i chi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus.

Cosy Recipes for Autumn

5 Autumnal recipes to warm your heart

As the nights are drawing in and the cold weather approaches it means only one thing – it’s time to get cosy. Whether you’re braving the cold weather or staying inside with the fireplace on, these 5 autumn recipes are sure to warm your heart—and your belly

1. Bonfire Night Baked Potatoes

Bonfire Night is that special time when you light up the night with good friends and a scrumptious baked potato. This yogurt-based baked potato recipe is super creamy and delicious, making it the perfect meal for a chilly autumn night.

2. Chicken Poppers with Welsh Yogurt Dip

These chicken poppers use nachos as the coating which gives them that extra crunch, pair that with the succulent Welsh yogurt dip and you’ve got a perfect evening appetizer!

3. Apple Pie Yogurt Parfait

Perfectly rich, deliciously creamy – and so refreshing. This apple pie yogurt parfait will be your new favorite go-to dessert this Autumn!

4. Toffee and Chocolate Crumb Yogurt Cake

This Toffee and Chocolate Crumb Yogurt Cake is the perfect dessert for your next gathering! This easy recipe can be made in 30 minutes and pairs well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

5. Apple & Cinnamon Yogurt Cake

This Apple and Cinnamon Yogurt Cake is the perfect dessert for Autumn. The combination of tart apples and sweet cinnamon will make this recipe a family favourite in your household.


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